Writing is Healing and Leaves Me Clues to Mastery
Writing and intuition have been my safe haven, and this has been true long before I was aware of the power of words and what intuition was although it was cousin to my instinct. As I thought about my emails this morning, my perception of my writings blossomed into a huge smile. I saw that my writings are and always have been a healing thread that consistently flowed deciphering every chapter of my life led by my intuition.
In October of 2009, I felt compelled to change my email address. I was not sure what I wanted to name it. So, I asked a very good friend of mine at the time to help me choose an email which she did. Imlovintheskinimin09 became my email, a mantra, an affirmation, and the meaning of the words were silently being embedded in my psyche each time I wrote or said them out loud.
My friend who was very perceptive of my limited view of myself chose this email for me because of that very reason. Trusting herself was one of the best gifts she ever gave me. However, I do not believe she knew the magnitude of change it would create. I love to exercise and have done so most of my life in formal and informal ways yet I still was not comfortable with my own body. It had nothing to do with being out of shape as I was in very good health physically and definitely so to be 47 years of age. Nevertheless, being in good health, fine and fit does not change the inward dialogue that motivated my actions.
Fast forward, I look back at how my fitness started to take on a deeper meaning as Imlovintheskinimin09 became my flesh and bones. It was more than about looking good. The meaning came from a place of holistic living and health being wealth. The love I began to have for my physical body grew.
This growth was not in a narcissist way. It was about embracing a new attitude of comfort with my nakedness, a deeper level of self-pleasure, and spending more time listening to my body. I came to admit what I thought I hated or was in judgment about as it related to other women was my own jealousy and desire to be bold, bodacious, and unapologetic in ways I saw many of them be. The matter was not what they did and whether it was for me or not. The reality was they stood in their courage and lived life on their terms whatever their reasons where. A level of respect always welled up in me for them.
A couple of years ago, I felt led to change my email once again. This time the email came to me. Although I did not know it then, but Uniquelybrilliant2, was about me accepting and embracing my differences and eccentricities that I denied, tried to hide, hated, and or cried about. Those words became a mantra and affirmation as well, and my subconscious took the core message in. For most of my life, I tried to fit in. I would always ask the question “what do you think or some variation of it” to anyone who would give me an answer that did not go something like this “what do you think” making me go inward. I had yet to learn to trust my own judgment or fully trust my own judgment as I matured.
Today more and more I am grasping the power of leaning into and allowing myself to be the unique individual that I am with all of my nuances. The second part of Uniquelybrilliant2 was the 2 (too) meaning also. Learning to love the skin I’m in was the beginning propelled by sisterhood. Until I could see for myself, she was my eyes. Source knew I was not able to process more at that time. The ‘also’ started the process of me affirming my brilliance. These words ultimately came to help me understand I am more than my body. The mind of my womb, the mind of my heart, and the mind of my spirit is brilliant and will guide me as I tune in and turn up the volume.
Intuition and divine guidance has always been a part of my life and a part of the ‘Master’s Plan’. I know that this is true for all of us. This intuitive leading comes in many forms to shape our experiences. For me, I’ve come to accept I am a huge fan of sexuality and sensuality. WHO KNEW, especially after experiencing sexual abuse? Connecting with my senses allows me to live more deeply in my body and connect with my brilliance and my writing.
This intuitive leading is always available when I tune into its frequency. Yet, I do not always do this well. Actually I have challenges with living from my heart verses my head. Like trying on a new pair of heels, I stumble, try too hard, get angry and take them off only to try again. For all of us, Infinite Intelligence is wise enough and has numerous ways to reach us where we are? Are you listening? What is your path to God(dess)? How are you in service to your gift and calling?
Writing this blog PUSSY Chronicles as Medicine is one of way of the ways I advocate for myself to live in my sacred seat of power. My blog is fueled by my indulgence of freedom which gratification will not deny me. This is the way I am in service to my gift of bringing freedom and pleasure to the planet. My PUSSY [Pulsating Unadulterated Sacred Sensual Yearnings (desires)] are being chronicled (written).
The gratification that I receive from honoring my love for writing about what excites me at my core has become my medicine. Every time I take a dose I feel like I own my world. When I turn away from pleasure, my life become lackluster. I offer all who read this blog to take time to see in what ways the Universe, Infinite Intelligence, Source, or whatever name you use to relate to God is seeking to experience more of itself through you.
Know that God can never be boxed in. Neither can I nor you be limited no matter the form our pleasure takes. I am constantly being rebranded and recognized by my desire to live a life of freedom and pleasure. My awareness of how I am loved in relation to the wholeness of all there is and as an individual is amplified. I have been given another opportunity to observe in a magnificent way that the Creator took time to individually send me a message and was working in the background meeting me where I was.
May you be inspired to pay attention to the umbilical cord of God’s message to you that is connected to the womb of your heart and the womb of your creativity as it communicates and nurtures your genius, may you also become the gift and the giver on the planet from your PUSSY.